The 100 Day Project 2018: Combine + Create
Last year was the first year I participated in the 100 Day Project and I very successfully completed it and even created a class from it! I am always so intrigued and inspired by watching others do this project but because of the way the school year works and our travel schedule, I never felt it was in the cards for me. But last year I found a way to make it work by choosing a project that was totally mobile, halfway done before I started and needed no real tools and therefore was able to keep up with the project while I traveled with no problems.I started thinking about my 2018 100 Day Project about a week or two ago. I wanted my project this year to be more art focused, so I started thinking about what I could do that would be easy to complete while traveling.
I went for a walk and it hit me: collage. I've been wanting to experiment more with my art journal practice and this meets that goal beautifully. But I know myself: I need to do the most basic daily project tasks to be able to stick things out for the long haul, again collage seemed perfect. I quickly thought out my parameters and it just felt right and bonus, I was super excited about it. But the problem was that the 100 Day Project doesn't technically start until April 3. When I thought through my project, I was pretty sure that I can keep this up while traveling and thought it would be fun to see what I created on the road. But the more I thought the more I realized I wanted to start NOW and I really didn't want to be committed to anything over the summer because we have so many other big plans...So I just started. I counted up the days and I will literally finish 100 days the week before we leave for summer. It could not have been more perfect. I really am sad that I will miss the big excitement that the community shares over starting their projects together, but I knew I needed to resist the peer pressure and do what was right for my own creative/life sanity. So here we go, 100 days of collaging!
I did a HUGE podcast all about prepping for, starting and maintaining a big project, exactly like this one, so that will be really valuable to you if you want to join the 100 Day Project this year.Below is my outline, parameters, rules, goals for the project. It's a great format to use when planning your 100 Day Project, so please use this and adjust it as you need!
#LaurenCombinesandCreates100 Days of Collage
- Work in 1 book
- Time limit: 10 minutes avg, 20 max
- Use minimal supplies
- Post daily on instagram
- Name each collage
- book
- gluestick
- scissors
- pre cut magazine images + words
- paint
- ephemera (be choosy - not a hoarder)
- Keep it simple
- Focus on the cutting, gluing and pasting part
- Create work based on other artists, until I find my own style, like:
- To find my own collage style.
- To add another form of creating to my tool kit.
- To experiment with more simple pages.
- To create every day.
- To honor other creatives and their work.
These are a few of the pages I have made so far and they have been really fun! So far I've loved looking for inspiration for each page and most of the time each day something will jump out at me to start my page, but I'm also using the 'save' feature on instagram to stock pile ideas and inspiration for when my own runs low. Thats one of the keys! Having a back up plan for when things go wrong. You can follow along with my project on instagram here. If you're looking for a project to do this year and want to do something photography based, I would love it if you checked out my course, based on my last 100 Day Project, Stories From Here. It has 200 ideas for you, so your project will be super simple. plus it has hours of phone photography video tutorials that will help you take your phone photography skills to great new heights!Let me know if you already know what your project is going to be and any questions you have for planning. I'd love to help! Happy making!