A Zine for the Queen
I know you have heard me rave about my friend Vanessa, but today I feel like I can properly introduce you to her. Vanessa is one of the most amazing art journalers and one of the most thoughtful people I know. I met V through Get Messy, oh so long ago. She has been so influential in my own life and in our group and I am really thankful for her. One amazing thing she has done for our group (and me personally) is to create a Zine Squad. It is a group of art journalers who pass around a zine, that is based on a theme, that they create specifically for someone. I received one last year and it was one of the MOST thoughtful gifts I have ever received. So when I was asked to contribute to a secret Zine for the Queen herself, I was all in. I was the last person to receive the book and it was such a treat to hold everyone else's work in my hands and I knew the stakes were high. V is an archeologist, hence all the skeletons, but she also created the 52 Portraits project, so we used her own self portraits for this book. Below is the entire book, some pages are by individuals and some are by the multiple people. I hope you enjoy seeing this amazing artwork as much as I loved being a small part of it!To see more work from the other artists that were a part of this project visit them: Torrie, Jules, Katie, and Caylee.
I added the petals to the page below. #teameffort
This is my page below. I wanted to find a way to truly capture everything that V is. She is such a complex and deep spirit and I wanted to portray that. So I xeroxed one photo over and over in different sizes to represent all the different things she is to all the different people in her life. And that quote was just exactly V. She is all of those and so much more.
Working on this project was an absolute dream and was so challenging as it stretched me to think outside of myself to be able to create art FOR another person but still infuse myself into it. Can I tell you guys any more how much I love Get Messy?!PS! We have a FREE Introduction to Art Journaling course that we would love for you to take to help you get started with your own art journaling journey. Sign up here.