Currently December
Currently I am....Changing my instagram name to LaurenLikesBlog to make things more cohesive around here.Honored to be featured on Caylee's blog for a creative interview. Spoiler alert: I answered all her questions with GIFs....Listening to audio books! Any suggestions, particularly if you have ScribD?Finishing everything! Tons of projects, but my main goal is to finish Project Life for the year by the end of the year.Loving Amy Poehler's book Yes, Please!Reading Enders Game with Gone Girl on deck.Watching Gilmore Girls.Obsessed doesn't even begin to describe my love for Lorelai...
Grateful for the wonderful response from the Get Messy announcement! Thank you a million times over for your love and support and encouragement!Anxiously awaiting the officially launch in February!Waiting on my new A Beautiful Mess Planner to come in so I can PLAN ALL THE THINGS!Planning a new business venture for next year.Learning to knit in the round.Packing for Thailand!Cooking these! (not really cooking, more of molding? Either way they look delicious!)Celebrating making it through the first semester at our new school!Wrapping up blogging for 2014! I'll be back in 2015!Reminding you I wont be here on the blog for a few weeks as I'll be taking a holiday break in Thailand, but you can keep up with our adventures on Instagram @LaurenLikesBlogTaking suggestions for things to do in Thailand?Wishing you a wonderful holiday season!