Get Messy 16 + August Link up
In honor of demonstrating that art is not permanent and that change can always come, I revamped my page from last week that I just wasn't in love with. I used your suggestions and committed to making it work. I wish I hadn't hand written the script, but it adds a little more of an abstract feel to it and I didn't want to just start over, I want to rework what I had. As my style is evolving I am finding more and more of how much 'layers' plays into my projects.
For Caylee's "Self Portrait in Objects" prompt I struggled. At first. I had the prompt for over a month and it just wasn't working for me. Then, inspiration struck. And! I actually sketched out my plan. I'm going all Andrea on you ;) PS, I loved the sketching part! It made it so easy as I was collecting things to go in. I drew my inspiration from a mood board style and added in objects or photos that represented myself. This was my favorite prompt for sure!
Ps I apologize for the worlds worst photographs. They will be fixed ASAP. I cant wait to see how you interpreted this prompt, so link up so we can all see!PS Caylee and I have some really exciting stuff up our sleeves, so Get Messy participant call is closing soon. So if you want to get on board email myself or Caylee ASAP!
Get Messy is an art journal challenge where a gang of crafty vixens are sharing art journal pages we have created to practice our skills and push past our creative limits with hopes to inspire. We share our pages without restraint every week, and once a month we create around a prompt. Go check out these crazy talented ladies who are creating pages who each have a unique perspective and style. We will be sharing our work around social media so follow the hashtag #getmessyartjourna