Get Messy: Season of Words 05
Happy Get Messy Thursday! This weeks pages were those of great, momentary bursts of inspiration! In this first page I had stamped those pink dots on but left them for the right moment. Then I saw this page by Caylee and inspiration struck. The stamps are Momentel Stempel by PapierProjekt. For the second page, we attended a concert and one of the songs was about the sea. I can't even remember the line now, but I was immediately struck by the imagery of the song and began thinking about the sky and sea and how they were the first thing that God created and then separated. Our first Romeo and Juliet. Forever to be held apart but constantly gazing at one another's beauty. To say I am held captivated by the sea is a constant understatement and my love affair was cemented when I received this in the mail. I couldn't make this page fast enough and never have I ever painted with so much black. Channelling my inner Vanessa ; )
To see more pages by other amazing artists go here and for daily art journal inspiration follow @getmessyartjournal on instagram and to join our crafty little club register here! See you next Thursday. To see my other pages from this season look here.