How to use Digital Products via apps
Caylee Grey, (a blogger that I completely adore for her gorgeous Project Life spreads, all around cuteness and her sweet & encouraging new friendship that I am really enjoying), shared some of her fantastic handwriting via some digital files for Project Life journaling cards. I immediately knew that those cards would be how I would title my PL spreads next year. But! Caylee designed them to be used with Photoshop. I don't have Photoshop. I then got whiny third grader ish because I wanted them but couldn't have them. Then I put on my big girl panties and thought, there has to be a way to make these work. I tried a few different things (that didn't work) and finally found the magic answer!With Caylee's permission, I want to show you how to use her products or ANY digital product you have with a simple app. This process took me about 30 seconds. OMG. 30 seconds to edit a photo is gold to a blogger/scrapbookers ears.So, I used the Mystic App. It costs 99 cent. Totally worth it compared to the price of Photoshop....Oh and I flipping love that app. It has a ton of great filters and has loads of manual edits. Tots worth the spare change. Ok, so go download it and come back. Ready? Ok, now save the digital product and the photo you want to use in your phone.
1. Once your photo is in the app, I trust you can figure that out, click on the T for text.2. You can either choose from some of the apps current phrases or add your own writing! You click that suitcase with a squiggly line (that's what that is right!?!?) to add your digital product.3. This then takes you to either the camera or the 'choose photo feature'. You want to choose the digital product that you've saved in your phone.
4. Once the digital writing product is in, this is what your screen looks like and you can begin editing.5. The app will bounce you back to screen #1, just choose the big T again. Now you will be able to move the text around, up, down,etc. Unfortunately I couldn't get a screenshot with the arrows because they are touch activated, but you get the point. Place your text where you want. (this is the only feature that I can complain about with this app. You must click the arrows, you can't just drag the elements around)6. If you click the eclipse looking button it will change your font to black or white.
7. If you click the last box on the right, it changes the intensity or transparency8. I love this feature. Just slide the bar to how opaque or bold you want your writing to be!9. Finish editing as you normally would with filters, etc, and voila! Youre done. Now go share those beautiful, quick and easy images!This was a really easy process and a great alternative to those of us without Photoshop or people who are phone editing or just in a rush! Do you have any app editing tricks and tips?! I would love to hear them! Oh and go check out all of Caylee's other fantastic freebies!