Kanchaniburi, Thailand
I am so sad that I did not know more about Kanchaniburi before we went to Thailand because we would have stayed here as a leg of our trip instead of just a last-minute day trip we went on. This place is beautiful! We ended up here because we ran out of time in Chiang Mai and wanted to do an elephant experience from Bangkok. We booked a day tour that picked us up, took us (multiple hours) out of the city, took us to these waterfalls and then to an elephant experience and then took us back to Bangkok. I would recommend you spending a few days here. There is so much history here (train rides! Museums!) and some really beautiful natural attractions.
We hiked the 7 waterfalls in Erawan National Park and swam in a few. Since we were on a tour we only had 2-3 hours but were able to see them all and swim (really quickly though) but you could spend the whole day here! Family friendly and freezing :)Ps. Those fish are friendly....
Matching is our super power... #pleasedontjudgeus
We then went to an elephant camp, that we would not recommend. The reviews did not say anything negative and there wasn't anything terrible about it, it just was not what we expected nor was it actually nice. We would however highly recommend Patara Elephant Farm in Chiang Mai.
If we ever return to Thailand, Kanchaniburi will be one of our first stops! Have you ever been here? What else is great about this place?!