Get Messy: Art Journal 02
I'm so excited that the art journaling bug is making its way around the world! Caylee and I are excited to welcome Sabine into our art journal challenge! Make sure to go check out their work!Its official: I'm addicted to art journaling! I can't sit down and make just one page! The prompts we are following through the A Beautiful Mess classes are fantastic and a good starting point. But once I get started SO. MANY. IDEAS. flow. Here are a few pages I made following the prompts!
One of my favorite parts about art journaling is being able to forego the rules of scrapbooking. The only thing these items have in common is color. I read an article with that quote: You do not have to see everything on the internet. And I've been trying to put it into practice, because the need to see ALL the things is really overwhelming me lately. It wouldn't get out of my head, so I put it on the page with other fun stuff. Done.
I think this page was the official turning point for me that pushed me out of my scrapbooking mindset. I want to create more pages way far out of my comfort zone that are nothing like 'my style'. I just love that weird little guy and oh my goodness, talk about worst photo ever. But I love those weirdos.
Note how bad my cursive is that I spelled 'how' wrong. Classy. But, man how ready am I for full-blown summer and all the magic that it will bring.And here are a few I made from random bits of inspiration I gathered around the web, books and those dusty corners of the creative bits of my mind!
Practicing some fonts! I'm always looking for ways to improve my handwriting!
This may be my favorite thing I've ever made. But seriously.
Confession: I hoard the punch outs from paper when I punch holes in them. Yes, yes I am a crazy lady. But! It paid off as I just wrote my word with a glue stick and then stuck them down! Ps this was way too time consuming and I didn't love the outcome enough to do more...
Get Messy is an art journal challenge where we are working through some of the prompts from the A Beautiful Mess class and sharing at least 3 pages we create a week. You can see more here and check out Caylee's gorgeous pages here and Sabines fantastic ones here. If you would like to participate please let us know and share your work with us!