Lets catch up on Project Life (in the making)
Its bad. And it hurts. It hurts bad. Real bad. I’m behind. Far behind. Far, far behind20% laziness80% lifeI’ve gotten 14 weeks behind on my Project Life album. Now, like I said, I’m mostly blaming the fact that we were homeless for 6 weeks and then moved all the way to the other side of the world. Ya know, so I’ve been a little busy. But that does not equal 14 weeks. I was already behind when we started out. Again, I’m going to blame the fact that I was working and had to pack up an entire house in preparation for aforementioned move. But excuses, excuses. Its time.I spent this weekend figuring out how to print photos in Korea (this was no small feat) and it was like the heavens opened up. Olya and Amelia decided to do a #letscatchuponprojectlife challenge. They actually have quite a few more spreads to do than me, but I still need their rehab.
So here’s my plan:
- Figure out which weeks need to be done or finished
- Plan out my spreads (this is the planner I use)
- Print 2 large batches of photos (1 per week)
- Work on 1 spread a night
- Photograph them
- Blog them
- Do a happy dance
Simple steps, simple plan, simple pages. Having life documented is the most important part and is so worth this mass of work. Besides I love playing with pretty papers….