Readings and Writings on the Webs
Lately Ive been writing articles on a variety of topics all over the interwebs! So if you like
hearing reading me ramble on about various life musings go check them out!I am participating in the 365 Crafting Time challenge where I do some kind of creative work everyday. So far I havent missed a day! Read about my process and what I have learned on Sabine's blog, the creator of the challenge, plus see what others who are participating have to say.I chatted with Mabel Magazine about how I invest money in a new business venture. Though my businesses are small, there was still a cost to starting them. So read how we decided on what to invest in up front and what to wait on. And if you have ever wondered what I do all day, I talked with Delaney about my day job as a social worker. I shared about creativity in my daily life, work/play balance and the craziness of the day in the life of a social worker.Have a fun and crafty weekend! Make sure to follow me on instagram for lots of crafting and cherry blossom photos :) @laurenlikesblog