Shoe DIY
I have a small collection of adorable shoes that is growing slowly and I'm slightly obsessed with these cuties. I have been itching to alter a pair of shoes lately and I saw these adorable sprinkles sneakers by ISpy DIY and was over the moon inspired. Then my sister gave me this old pair of canvas sneakers she didn't wear any more and I literally could not wait to get home and add some stitches to them!
It was so simple to update them. If you know how to thread a needle you can totally master this! After a bit of experimenting, I found that the best way to do this was to double my thread and get a HUGE piece and not tie off after every +. I literally just freehand stitched them and try to keep them generally the same size and keep the spacing consistent. The thicker your needle is the better. The three photos below show my stitching technique if you're not sure how. But It is as simple as cross stitching!
And after less than an hour I was done! And man they are cute! I've been wearing them everyday, especially to the playground, because that's what grown ups do!
There are so many possibilites of different shapes, colors, words (!), that you can do with these! I picked up a few pairs (plain and patterned) at Target on sale this summer and they are really comfy and were the right price (less than 10$). Such a fun and easy DIY. What are you going to stitch?!