Snail Mail Gift Exchange
I participated in my first Snail Mail Gift Exchange last month and I'm hooked.pen pal + handwritten letters + personal, thoughtful gifts + learning about new places/culturesHow can it get any better?! I was paired up with Kerri from Simplicity Interrupted. She is from Boston, is a lawyer and a new stepmama. Talk about a lot on her plate! But somehow she still manages to write a great blog! She talks about anything from being a stepmom to fashion to wedding planning to being a new homeowner to her great town of Boston!When I opened my gift (how great is the packaging?!) I found this Boston magazine along with a very sweet handwritten note. I really enjoyed getting to know Kerri through her blog and through email and the fact that her gift was so thoughtful and so perfect blew me away. She combined my love of travel, learning about other's lives and photos/words in print into a perfect gift!
This was my favorite quote about the Redsox in the magazine. I love the alliteration and descriptivenes. The Redsox are definitely the first thing that comes to mind when I think about Boston but travel is so much more than about one icon. It's about food and the people. This magazine has all of that in there and more. This was just such a thoughtful and simple gift and I am so grateful to have met such a wonderful and caring woman through this crazy blogosphere community. If you want to participate in the Decembers Snail Mail gift exchange you still have a day or 2 to sign up! Hop on over to Kerri's blog and say Hi! Hopefully the gift I sent her will arrive soon and you can see it on her blog. Happy friending!