Thailand Project Life + Laurel Lane Designs
I have a really exciting announcement! I'm going to be joining the Laurel Lane Design Team this year! Laura is a blog friend of mine and I have loved watching her launch her etsy shop. Her designs are just my style. Black and white, hand drawn, lots of T. Swift. What more could you ask for?! So I was so honored to be a part of her team and share her awesomeness with you!And now I'm back with more pages for you! Have I told you how much I love 6x8?! Well, I do. The plan is to do a whole 8x10 photo album of our Thailand trip, but it didn't feel right to not include any of the photos into our PL album, especially since it was half of January that we were there. So I picked my absolute top favorite photos that told the best stories of Thailand to include. I did very little journaling, but let the photos speak for themselves (and the additional scrapbook...). I debated on typing that little bit of journaling, but I knew that including my handwriting was important (even though I'm not a fan of it) and it would be really annoying to space out the printing to fit that card. The January calendar card is how I will divide each month up with the corresponding month overlay, but again that will be the basis of how my book is divided/organized.
I really love how Stephanie Bryan is doing her Project Life this year and want to include more out of the ordinary items also, outside of pockets.
It's the little details that really make things magic!
These square inserts are my favorite so far! They are about 2.5x2.5 and are just the perfect size. Here's a tutorial I made on how to easily print that size out without photoshop skillz. And here's a tutorial for how I do the digital overlays from Project Life cards onto photos with apps on my phone instead of photoshop.
Oh and here's an example of what the insert looks like in the book compared to the 6x8 pages.
And then this lovely side. I love these cards by Laura because they are white and just have so much potential. The colors in the right side photos were so strong and cohesive, I needed to find a way to tie it all in, so I pulled out my watercolors and just doodled. I followed the general lines of her design to fill them in a bit. LOVE.
This year is so fun...
Products used: Studio Calico Project Life kit, Studio Calico wood veneers, Calendar card from Paislee Press, Seafoam Edition, Laurel Lane Designs: Im In Love With You, Travel Edition, Ive Always Loved You, I Love You Like XOXO