Thankfulness Saturday: Small group
One of the things Terrell and I are most thankful for in our lives are our small groups. Terrell and I have the privilege of leading groups of college students in bible study every week. But it's so much more than that. We get to share our lives with them. We are also in an adult group. We have 5 other couples we have dinner with every week, in our homes, and talk about life. In these groups we have made friendships that will last our lifetime. We laugh uncontrollably. We get a delicious home cooked meal. We can share our hearts and our struggles. We receive constant encouragement. We learn from each other. These are the people who make up our village. This idea of small group is what we will build our spiritual and social life around. We are so thankful to sit in a circle and learn from, share with and love these people every single week. It is worth giving up 2 nights of the week. It is worth the planning and the cooking. When we look back in 50 years on these groups, the time, energy and money we put in will not be what we remember; but it will be the beautiful life we lived with these people.So to our small group friends, thank you. We love you more than you'll ever know.
This post is a part of the National Blog Posting Month Challenge. You can see a list of more blogs participating in this challenge here and see a full list of my posts here.